Look at What You Live with Everyday
I have been in over 11.000 homes as a health professional and consultant. The one thing that blocks people in going forward in their life is what is surrounding them. Their creativity is stunted, their growth is impeded and their emotional moods are stunted because they literally cannot see the wood for the trees.
In this course you will practically get on the job immediately as you follow me through clearing clutter in front of me. How it feels afterwards and why you should celebrate your small wins which lead to huge wins in the end.
Stories of Clutter & Freedom
One day I was called to a house for a man in a wheelchair. When I entered the home he could not use the wheelchair because his wheels were stuck. Surrounding him were hundreds of magazines; furniture no longer required, a trainset that could no longer be used everything was just STUCK! It was a very sad state of affairs and the energy of the home was one of entrapment. Is this You?
I walked into a house where they were operating a business from the main room of the home. It was full of big brown boxes as though there was a constant movement coming inand out of the house. Meanwhile they had a fatigued child confined to her bedroom upstairs-seldom did she come downstairs. This is an explicit example of how what is in the environment causes suffering for those living in it especially children and young adults who are very sensitive to the habits and patterns within their home.
The parents were totally unaware that the clutter was affecting their welfare of their child.
One of my students implemented what I had taught her in a workshop. She went home one evening and threw away her old life. Most of it went to charity shops and within a few weeks she found herself a boyfriend. Some months later she was married and attributed to clearing her space which gave her clarity on what she really wanted for herself in her life.
Real Life Example
Here is Cathi working out of a room assisting a client move on with her life but before she can do that seh has to let go of the visible blockages on the outside.
Clutter Clearing
This is one example of how some people have lived their lives surrounded in a sea of things and stuff. Having mirrors on the wall doubles the chaotic energy making the whole experience disorganised and blocking.
Clutter Chapter
The First Module in the Book is all about Clutter: what it means, how it comes about and how to break down the process of releasing the stuff in and around your home.
Clothes & Clutter
Go to your wardrobes and take a long look at what you have stuffed int here.
Clothes still waiting for you to lose weight?
Could you give some of your clothes you have never work give them to a charity?
When you give you leave a space. It is up to you what you put back in that space. Or living just with space is a totally different experience of life. Less is More.
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These are just some of the many other courses that you can do to change your environments from the outside inwards.